Friday, September 18, 2009

hospital angst??

I'm not usually comfortable in hospitals. My family has people in the medical field, as doctors, nurses and medical technicians. But I don't usually hang out there. It's the smell of antiseptics and the constant traffic of patients that make me dizzy.

Sunday night, after a day of hanging out with my best friends, I made my way home, rather tired and sated. I chose not to spend time with my SO that day because I can be such a drama queen and he was too tired to deal with it. However, when he texted that he's actually at the ER of a nearby hospital, I dropped everything, scampered into my shorts, grabbed the essentials and made my way there.

He got some allergic attack going on and, yes, I was bugged out of my mind. He was so weak that he rested his head on my shoulder from time to time. I stayed there until he was safely in a room and I went home, losing my appetite for my dinner that got postponed.

Fast forward to Thursday. I spent the night there Monday night until Tuesday morning (didn't have classes). I watched over him, got his medicines, tried not to look when the nursed came with their needles, and let him use my comforter. Then he got moved into a private room where the most unbelievable thing happened. I don't believe I've seen a student nurse who kept on fussing with her hair while interviewing her patient, asking the most mundane questions and giggling through most of them.

And, he admitted, he enjoyed being fawned over.......................grrrrrrrrrr......somebody hand me an axe, I'd like to add to his injuries....

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