Friday, October 23, 2009

Palace for one....

Prime dating spots come rarely nowadays. I mean, would you really want to think that after you shared that place with your special someone, he or she would bring another date to that place? The insanity of it is that you really cannot stop anybody from going to your favorite restaurant. But, jeez, does he or she have to bring someone else there after you shared the place with them? It's like pointing to a complete stranger's leftovers in a restaurant and saying, "Are you going to eat that?"

There are places that I don't go to anymore for the reason that they feel polluted, violated. I don't even care if one would think that I'm reacting too much. But that was my secret place! I wouldn't bring you there if you weren't special.

And please, if we go out, don't bring up another person's name. I will not bring up another person's name either. I deserve my time as you deserved yours. Lastly, no fidgeting with your mobile. Call it tact, call it courtesy, call it it-will-probably-save-my-life-if-I-will-just-shut-up. I don't need to be reminded that I should be grateful you are spending your time with me.

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