Friday, October 30, 2009

Looking at our best in our most horrific(?) Part 1

Halloween in the office. Walking around taking pictures......My face is not even on yet... LOL

Thursday, October 29, 2009

22:30 until closing time

If an idle mind is a devil’s playground, how about a hyperactive mind with lots of idle time to burn?
Welcome to my peculiar life as an online teacher. We don’t have sales quota to beat, only a number of students to maintain and increase. We don’t have AHT but we have class schedules to keep. We don’t have irate customers we cannot see but we sometimes see rather indignant faces on the crisp video feed staring back at you if you missed a word. We never had culture training to prepare us, only grapevine lectures on what or what not to say.
I never thought I would ever be confined to a cubicle but here I am in a 4x3 cubbyhole painted in the shade of dark beige (I keep remembering a particular shade of a nail polish color). No flowers on the desk since the you have your LCD monitor, keyboard and your files. I opted for a mousepad with the Angel Sanctuary design instead of sticking with the company issued boring blues and beach sceneries. No USBs allowed, my webcam at home is way cooler than the one I have at work and I can practically hear everybody else with my single earpiece headset.
So what do we do with our free time? It really depends since Youtube and other streaming sites are banned. Online games were shut down months ago since they played havoc with the connections. We are allowed Facebook and other sites for surfing. I have my Multiply and Blogger to fiddle with. Of course, we have paperwork to deal with first like students’ performance records, attendance sheets (I’m really tempted to bring a class record here), class counts and the dreaded IR (see, we have them, too). After all is done, where do we turn to?
Almost everybody here is connected in Facebook and Friendster. But I ventured further, I’d like to say, by using going to sites that are rather bizarre and outlandish to the rest of my fellow teachers. Sites like and are good examples of websites they haven’t even heard of. But my favorite is where anybody contemplating morosely of their lot in this world can get a laugh. But tonight, as of this writing, I found a site that just made my sleepiness go away. After typing a random line of words, for example, get revenge on your ex, and actual sites came up. is one site and, well, no free galleries. The services offered are tempting but the dollar price tag was enough to stop me.
Idle time…idle hands…hyperactive minds…..
Let’s go home before Halloween starts early this year.
(to be continued)

paninda mode....

paninda mode sa office......ang aga-aga ko pa...lolz

Monday, October 26, 2009

the waters call to me.........

Who can really remember their dreams?

I wasn't that groggy and I usually remember my dreams. But last night was a significant dream since I woke up with a word (turned out to be a name) I kept repeating on and on as if I was reminding myself about it.

Tiamat. What a word. Primordial dragon goddess.

I don't remember much of the dream except that I know I was on a trip with some friends and I wanted to get away from them. Lately though,I wanted to go on a trip to a place where I can literally immerse myself in a body of water. This time, the dream journal will be by my bed.

Yes, I still plan to go the beach alone.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Palace for one....

Prime dating spots come rarely nowadays. I mean, would you really want to think that after you shared that place with your special someone, he or she would bring another date to that place? The insanity of it is that you really cannot stop anybody from going to your favorite restaurant. But, jeez, does he or she have to bring someone else there after you shared the place with them? It's like pointing to a complete stranger's leftovers in a restaurant and saying, "Are you going to eat that?"

There are places that I don't go to anymore for the reason that they feel polluted, violated. I don't even care if one would think that I'm reacting too much. But that was my secret place! I wouldn't bring you there if you weren't special.

And please, if we go out, don't bring up another person's name. I will not bring up another person's name either. I deserve my time as you deserved yours. Lastly, no fidgeting with your mobile. Call it tact, call it courtesy, call it it-will-probably-save-my-life-if-I-will-just-shut-up. I don't need to be reminded that I should be grateful you are spending your time with me.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

little shop of delights....

There's a shop in Iloilo City I love to go back to. Its name is Passionate Designs and they are located inside the Amigo Plaza Mall. They carry the most adorable little (and BIG) collectibles. The shop's merchandise is primarily giveaways for corporate, school and private parties. But they also sell Hello Kitty and Papemelroti products.

What I love about this shop is that you can choose one-of-a-kind giveaways for your party needs. From topiaries to paper soap, key chains to paper weights. But for me, they are now getting popular because of their Sanrio products. Hello Kitty afficionados in Iloilo City now drop by at least once a week to check for new items (me included.)

Last week, the best item (gone so soon) was the Hello Kitty bubble umbrella. It was sold in less than 24 hours after I saw it. The shop ladies assured me that they ordered additional stock for everyone who kept asking about it. And the one who bought it even left a message: Wait for the next shipment. Looks like I'm not the only one who left my number there. ^^

Monday, October 12, 2009

BJD wig.

I have a wavy dark blonde wig from Mimiwoo. I ordered the wrong size (whatever was I looking at when I was placing the order). I don't know what to do with it. Anyone?